's been a while since I last blogged. I'm sorry to my sisters...cause really they're the only ones who read it haha. Anyway, today I had an epiphany while I was playing the board game LIFE with a couple friends. I was thinking...dang...I wish my life was like this game...that would be awesome! I mean I started out $100,000 in debt and ended the game with $875,000...that's pretty dang cool. I had four kids, girl, boy, and twins (boy and girl), and I had a husband...I imagine that he was a pretty awesome guy. I was a police officer, so I got paid an extra $10,000 everytime someone was speeding. And all I had to do was spin the wheel and move at the pace the spinner wanted me to. The board told me what to do! Man...that was livin the life. I've decided, forget college...I'm gonna inherit money. That's the only way to do it.
Something I don't understand is alcohol and partying like every weekend. To me it just seems like it has more cons than pros. Let's list them;
1. You feel invisible
2. You're extremely funny to those around you
3. You forget all about your current problems
1. You are destroying your liver
2. You can't even remember how awesome or funny the night before was
3. You wake up with THE worst state ever(depending on how much you drank)
4. You are now spending a bunch of money on something that could've been avoided
5. You get a beer belly
I dunno...seems to me like a pretty dumb decision. I mean, I don't know about you, buuuuut...I like remembering what I did and I am perfectly capable of doing stupid things without the assistance of a beer. But of course, that's just my opinion. And I have many reasons to hate I'm a little biased.
RANDOM FACT SECTION: The section, in which, I give you a random fact.
"On average, there are 178 sesame seeds on each McDonalds BigMac bun." Okay, the first thing about this that I want to say is...who, in their right mind, would sit and count the sesame seeds on a bun. The second thing I'd like to say is...the phrase "on average" indicates that the number has been compared to multiple numbers, so who would count the sesame seeds on more than just one bun? Just leave it at one bun people. It's not necessary for anyone to know, really. Unless of course, that number is supposed to help us survive somehow. Wow. The things that we feel the need to count.
Well, sorry if it was a bit of a disappointment today but then again...I didn't make you read it, so it's your own fault.