My apologies for the delay, everyone. I had a virus on my computer and was a little preoccupied by that. Have you ever wondered why they have "scientific" names for things? Honestly, I think it's just so scientists can confuse you by saying, " Formulation of an hypothesis to explain the phenomena," when what they're really saying is tell me why that thing does what it does. Just get on with it! Don't get all confusing an technical just to sound smarter. You may sound smarter, but to most people who don't know what you're sound dumb! Show off. That's what I think anyways. You're not impressing me with your scientific way of putting things. Gimney Christmas!
Venting Section: The Section in Which I Vent
You know what really drives me up the wall? Dirty dishes. I don't know, maybe it's my OCD but they make me absolutely insane. I didn't discover this until I had roommates. Oh my. I don't mind so much if they leave something in the sink and clean it up later, but when they don't rinse it out..? That takes all of two seconds to do! Plus, when you don't rinse it out it just gets crusted on there and make your job harder anyways. So all that time that you thought you were saving by not rinsing it and leaving it in the sink is doubled, if not tripled, when you're trying to get all the dried up, crusted, old food off the dish. Another thing about dirty dishes is if the dishwasher is completely empty...yet there are dishes left in the sink. Wow. Really? Are you that lazy that you can't open a door and place something on a rack? Seriously. No wonder all other countries hate Americans! Someone probably had one for a roommate 50 yrs ago and that's where all the rumors started. "Those Americans are so lazy, they can't even rinse off a bowl let alone put it in a dishwasher." Way to represent America lazy pants! Now everyone hates us!
Random Fact of the Day:
"The most money ever paid for a cow in an auction was $1.3 million. " Okay, okay...why? Did that cow have magic milk or something? It better have an endless supply of your choice of any flavor milk you want! You could probably buy 500 cows for that! Here's what I think happened:
"Do I hear $100? Can I get $100? $100! Do I hear $150? Can I get $150?" "Oh my gosh. I really want that cow. I really want it. The price is going up." "$200! Do I hear a $250?" "$1.3 million!" "SOLD! To the man with $1.3 million!" "(oh shoot. I got too excited. I can't come back from that. Do I even have $1.3 million?)"
Yup. I really think it was someones first auction and they got over excited about the endless supply of chocolate milk. The pressure of the situation must have been too much. Poor fellow.
Well, don't forget to floss everyday and see the receptionist to make an appointment in 6 months. Come back before if needed. Oh! And don't forget your toy. See you next time!
honestly! nobody can just take a random topic & turn it into chum style hilariousness! your blog is the funniest & you should start charging people to subscribe! hahahahghagaaa!
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