Well, just another day in the neighborhood. The sky is white, the trees are frosted, and the air smells of cow pollution. Yup, such a great little town we live in where the cows pollute more than our cars...and most drive diesel here. Congratulations Cache County, Utah for having a grade C in air quality. You're really trying hard to...kill. us. all.
Who thought of pickles? Don't get me wrong, they are delicious; but who would think that putting cucumbers in a vinegar solution would make such a delectable condiment? My thoughts is that is was an accident...just like post-it notes. I mean, you're trying to make the strongest glue made by man and you end up making temporary stickiness. Where pickles made in a laboratory? Were they really trying to make some sort of organic cucumber or did they just accidentally drop a cucumber in vinegar and not realize it until a couple days had already passed? And who thought to make pickles taste like bread and butter? What? That almost does't even make sense. "Hey wouldn't it be cool to have a pickle with the flavor of bread and butter?" What was the thought process? Nonetheless, we need these people with crazy thoughts to develop such flavor to our hamburgers.
Random Fact Of The Day: The Section in Which I Give You a Random Fact
Okay, so apparently even if you're not thirsty, you should still drink water because when your body is dehydrated the first mechanism thats shuts down is thirst. Hmmm...well looks like mine shut down a long time ago...cause I am practically never thirsty. Who would've thought? Okay so since I have found out that my body has been dehydrated for many years, how do I reverse that? Should I drink normal amount...or double, to catch up? Am I destined to be dehydrated for the rest of my life?! Oh no. Help.
Venting Section: The Section In Which I Vent
So one thing that has baffled my mind for years is OCD tendencies. I just don't understand. I mean, with myself and this blog...I feel like I need to type a certain amount of random thoughts of my brain before I can save and publish the post. Or when you're trying so hard to concentrate in class and there is just one blind that is facing the opposite way of the others. I HAVE TO WORK IN THIS ROOM PEOPLE!! How am I supposed to work when that blind is consuming all of my attention?! I don't understand how that small detail can consume my thoughts for the ENTIRE time. Then, when I try to not concentrate on it...I find myself glancing at it every two seconds...as if it changed. All I have to say is...I can't be ashamed and neither should you...yes you. That's right. I'm talkin to you. Don't be ashamed. We OCD's need to stick together!
And that is all we have on the animal kingdom today folks. Tune in tomorrow to know how Geckos are capable of selling car insurance. Thanks for watching!
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