Thursday, January 28, 2010

Shooby Dooby Doop Doo

Hola mis amigos! Estoy aquí! Alright so last night was pretty interesting. My sister, Brooke, and I were just sitting in her room when she decided that she wanted to get out her Spanish hymn book and sing songs en español. Great idea, ya? Maybe...well she said i was doing good at "trying" to follow along...highly doubt it. She is one of those people I like to call a "Sugarcoater." Which bring me to my first menu item: Sugarcoaters. Ya, you know what I'm talking about. Those people who will do anything NOT to hurt your feelings. Honestly, most of the time I feel worse when someone sugarcoats something, because I know they're trying to say, in the nicest way possible of course, YOU SUCK. It's almost entertaining sometimes though. I mean, watching them try to form the right words in their head, and they're thinking so hard that you can almost see smoke coming out of their a steam engine. Haha. But I guess what it all comes down to, is we all sugarcoat at some point.

Have you ever wondered who thought of the idea..."Picture Frame?" Kind of a weird idea, when you think about it. I can just imagine 3,000 years ago, "Hey! This good cave drawing, we should box around so later people can read. (Caveman voice)" Ever since we were little nose pickers, were making frames with popsicle sticks. My thought is that the best part of the the glass...otherwise, the purpose of the frame is nonexistent. The glass preserves the picture...or whatever is in it. Kinda interesting.

So I have decided to add a new section into the Blog, titled:
Random Fact of the Day: The Section in Which I Give You...a Random Fact
Did you know that the most stolen book in entire world is the Bible? Ironic, is it not? I mean I know for one thing that if you just call the number on those pass-along-cards, given by missionaries, and get one for free. Maybe I'm mistaken. Another thing is that it kinda contradicts one of the Commandments written in the Bible. I wonder how that works on judgment day? "So it looks here like you stole a book from a Hotel in May 1997...I have always taught that thou shalt not steal. How do you explain this?" "OH. Well...I stole the Bible, so that I could read it more." I guess in that situation God would know what to do, but I really don't know how that would work out in the end.

Venting Section: The Section in which i vent

Today I would like to ask the public... What is the purpose of a Scorpion? Honestly, I'm terrified of those things for a couple reasons:
Reason 1: They can kill you.
Reason 2: They are flat out ugly.
Reason 3: They are creepy looking.
Reason 4: Did I say that they're ugly?
I mean, I know they kill bugs and such and keep they food chain going somehow...but isn't there other animals/insects that could handle the job? They say that they are only dangerous when they feel threatened...wouldn't that be like all the time? Everything is huge compared to a scorpion! I feel threatened around tall people and I speak their language. You could be coming up to a scorpion saying "It's okay, little guy. I'm not gonna hurt you." and for all it knows you're saying, "I'm bigger than you and can crush you with my shoe!" I would absolutely hate to live in a place where I have the chance of a scorpion coming into my house.

We have arrived at our destination, you are free to move about the cabin. I hope you enjoyed you flight. Please fly with us again. Thank you, Babye now.


Carolyn said...

Here's another random fact that you might want to use. Shel Silverstein, the guy who writes children poems, was a play boy writer before he started writing the children's poems. Who would've thought?