Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Pizza Slices and Ice

Okay okay...I know I haven't been updating like at all. But I've been really busy! GOSH! Keep your pants on...everyone just needs to calm down!
(Ehhem) Well The New Year started with me working at good 'ol Hot Dog De La Stick (Hot Dog On A Stick). I opened at 9 o' clock AM. Mind you, this is the third year in a row that I have opened New Year's Day...probably because I am the only one they know of, that will not be hung over. Any dang ways, I didn't have a customer for nearly and hour and a might say that I was bored out of my mind. I was so bored, I was LOOKING for things to clean slash do. You know you're ridiculously awesome at your job when you find things to clean when your bored...I mean, let's be honest people. Back to the story. So I managed to clean the entire front of the store...I don't know if you've ever seen a Hot Dog On A Stick store...but it is piled with old, crusty, extremely hard to get off grease on all the cooking devices. (Disclaimer: Do Not Read if about to cook, eat, prepare, or even look at food) To clean these delicious looking cookers, I had to take a razor blade and scrape off all of the dried up glue textured grease from the sides of the cookers. I was just wondering how in the heck does this grease manages to find its way ALL OVER the ENTIRE cooker? I mean it's like it grasshopper jumps out of the cooker onto the most impossible places. It's almost like someone stuck their filthy little hands in there and wiped gallons of boogers onto the sides. I just don't understand. But, nonetheless, I took one for the team, (actually two...because I opened too) and cleaned it.

So is it just me, or is everyone engaged? I mean honestly. My best friend is engaged, my old roommate is engaged, my uncle is engaged, my sister is engaged, a friend from my home town is's seriously a never ending list. It's like everyone took the movie "2012" to heart and decided, "Hey the end of the world is neigh, I better get married!" I find it extremely ironic, don't you? I am going to be attending three weddings in one months time...that seems like a lot of weddings to me. It makes me think of the movie "27 Dresses." I'm going to have a closet full of dresses from multiple weddings. It's like everyone got shot by cupid at least 300 times. It's absolutely mental.

Little Caesar's Pizza:
Oh my. You get me started on such a delectable piece of crust topped with tomato sauce, cheese, and...esssstra cheese. Honestly, they are probably THE smartest pizza place out there. I mean $5 pizza, ready for you on the spot?! GENIUS! Fast food just became Speed of Light Food...or...Even Faster Food...dah, you know what I mean. If you look around...all the pizza places are trying to mimic it. Look at Dominoes, who wants to pay $5.99 for food poisoning? Their slogan should be "Hey only a dollar more to make you throw up so you can eat more! :)" Paalease. The best part is that you get at least three meals for $5! You eat two, get full, eat two, get full, eat the last two and are stuft. Forget Mc Donalds, I'm goin to Little Caesar's.

Venting Section: The Section in Which...I Vent
Icy Sidewalks.
I think that the funniest thing to watch is people walking on ice. The greatest part is if you're walking to class and see someone in front of you slip and then look around to see if anyone saw, pretending like nothing happened; while you say to yourself, "Buddy, you do realize that you are walking in a place full of engaged people, married people, and normal people...therefore everyone behind, in front, and on the side of you just saw you almost eat pavement." I don't know why everyone has to pretend like nothing happened. Honestly, one of these days I'm gonna almost beef and turn it into the moon walk or maybe to prevent any slipping at all...I'll just moon walk all the way to class. Let's do it. My philosophy is if you're already slipping in control, how can you slip and fall. But seriously, it's like farting...everyone does it, it can't be avoided. Embrace the moment that you almost just made a complete fool of yourself in front of about 60 people. Can you imagine
what the world would be like if no one got embarrassed...ever? I'm pretty sure that we would have so many naked crazies running around. Wow...maybe that's not the best idea I've had.

Well, that's all the time I have for today. I promise I will try and update as much as possible. If you wanna help me out and give me ideas of things to talk/vent/ridicule/patronize/

or even completely annihilate, just comment on the blog, email me, facebook me, call me, beep me, if you wanna reach me; any means of communication works. Until we meet again people of America! PEACE!